
An activist platform to fight global corporate wrongdoing
Welcome to the beta* version of Gulliver: our new online database that allows users to instantly find details of corporate crimes anywhere in the world - and how communities are organizing to hold these companies accountable.
Type a company name into the main page to pull up an easy-to-navigate menu of Violations, Stories, Activism, Key Financials and Government Contracts with dozens of stories, photos, videos and critical data available at one’s fingertips.
We also have a secondary search engine that allows researchers to look for any word that occurs in the full text of tens of thousands of critical reports in CorpWatch’s library of quantitative and qualitative information gathered from hundreds of authoritative government, media, and non-profit sources.
Right now, we have just 90 profiles but we expect that to grow quickly. A full list of these profiles is below: organized alphabetically, as well as by industry, and by (headquarters) country.
* A beta site is a draft version. Please excuse the clunkiness and feel free to email us at "corpwatch AT corpwatch DOT org" with any constructive suggestions for improvement!
Industry List
- Advertising, Entertainment & Media: Adani Group, Amazon, Facebook, Sony, Uber
- Agriculture, Beverages & Food: Bayer, Coca-Cola, JBS, Koch Industries, Mosaic, Nestlé
- Banking, Finance & Services: Banco Santander, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Penta Investments
- Chemicals & Manufacturing: Airbus, Balchem Corp, BASF, Bayer, Chevron, Denka, Dow, Eastman Chemical, Entergy, Evonik, Formosa Plastics, Fresenius, General Electric, Honeywell, Huntsman, JinkoSolar, Koch Industries, Marathon Petroleum, Mosaic, Occidental Petroleum, Olin, Shell, Shin-Etsu, Siemens Energy, Siemens Gamesa, Solvay, Tesla, Toyota, Union Carbide, Valero, Westlake Chemicals
- Construction & Megaprojects: Adani Group, Bechtel
- Consumer Goods & Textiles: British American Tobacco, Inditex, L'Oreal, Sony
- Energy, Mining & Utilities: Adani Group, Adani Green Energy, BP (British Petroleum), British Gas, Chevron, E.ON, EDF Group, EDF Renewables, Enbridge, Endesa, ENGIE, Entergy, ExxonMobil, General Electric, Honeywell, Iberdrola, JinkoSolar, Koch Industries, Marathon Petroleum, NextEra Energy, Occidental Petroleum, Ørsted, Repsol, Shell, Shin-Etsu, Siemens Energy, Siemens Gamesa, Southern Company, Tesla, TotalEnergies, Vale, Valero, Vattenfall, Westlake Chemicals
- Gig Economy & Retail Stores: Amazon, Inditex, Uber
- Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals: Alloheim, Asklepios Kliniken, Barchester Healthcare, Bayer, Bupa (British United Provident Association), DomusVi, Fresenius, Hirslanden, Korian, Luz Saúde, Orpea, Pfizer, Quirónsalud, Ramsay Health Care, Sana Kliniken, Spire Healthcare
- Military, Security & Surveillance: Airbus, Boeing, CoreCivic, G4S, Gardaworld, GEO Group, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, Olin, Raytheon, Serco
- Property, Tourism & Transportation: Air France, Airbus, Asklepios Kliniken, Deutsche Post, Honeywell, Tesla, Toyota, Uber, Volkswagen
- Technology & Telecommunications: Amazon, Deutsche Post, Facebook, Honeywell, Orange, Sony, Tesla, Uber, Verizon
Country List
- Australia: Ramsay Health Care
- Belgium: Solvay
- Brazil: JBS, Vale
- Canada: Enbridge, Gardaworld
- China: JinkoSolar
- Denmark: Ørsted
- France: Air France, Airbus, DomusVi, EDF Group, EDF Renewables, ENGIE, Korian, L'Oreal, Orange, Orpea, TotalEnergies
- Germany: Alloheim, Asklepios Kliniken, BASF, Bayer, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Post, E.ON, Evonik, Fresenius, Sana Kliniken, Siemens Energy, Siemens Gamesa, Volkswagen
- India: Adani Group, Adani Green Energy
- Japan: Denka, Shin-Etsu, Sony, Toyota
- Netherlands: Air France, Shell
- Portugal: Luz Saúde
- Slovakia: Penta Investments
- Spain: Banco Santander, Endesa, Iberdrola, Inditex, Repsol, Quirónsalud
- Sweden: Vattenfall
- Switzerland: Hirslanden, Nestlé
- Taiwan: Formosa Plastics
- United Kingdom: Barchester Healthcare, BP (British Petroleum), British American Tobacco, British Gas, Bupa (British United Provident Association), G4S, HSBC, Serco, Shell, Spire Healthcare
- United States: Amazon, Balchem Corp, Bechtel, Boeing, Chevron, Coca-Cola, CoreCivic, Dow, Eastman Chemical, Entergy, ExxonMobil, Facebook, General Electric, GEO Group, Goldman Sachs, Honeywell, Huntsman, Koch Industries, Lockheed Martin, Marathon Petroleum, Mosaic, Occidental Petroleum, Olin, NextEra Energy, Pfizer, Raytheon, Southern Company, Tesla, Uber, Union Carbide, Valero, Verizon, Westlake Chemicals
Alphabetical List
Adani Group
Adani Green Energy
Air France
Alloheim Senioren-Residenzen
Asklepios Kliniken
Balchem Corp / BCP Ingredients
Banco Santander
Barchester Healthcare
BP (British Petroleum)
British American Tobacco
British Gas
Bupa (British United Provident Association)
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche Post
Eastman Chemical
EDF Group
EDF Renewables
Formosa Plastics
General Electric
GEO Group
Goldman Sachs
Koch Industries
Lockheed Martin
Luz Saúde
Marathon Petroleum
NextEra Energy
Occidental Petroleum
Penta Investments
Ramsay Health Care
Sana Kliniken
Shin-Etsu Chemical
Siemens Energy
Siemens Gamesa
Southern Company
Spire Healthcare
Union Carbide
Valero Energy
Westlake Chemicals
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. Doesn’t Wikipedia have information on all these companies already?
A. No, not necessarily. Many Wikipedia entries are often monitored and edited by the companies themselves, or their public relations contractors. Take the entry on Coca-Cola. There is no mention of the controversy over the company’s extraction of water in India and Mexico, and very little on the link between its drinks and childhood obesity. Although the company’s alleged link to death squads in Colombia merits a mention, there is nothing on similar charges in Guatemala, nor issues regarding workers rights in Russia and Turkey.
Q. Can’t we find all this information on Google just as easily?
A. No, not easily. While it is true that most of the information we host is available for free, tracking accurate (non fake) data down and making sense of it is much harder. For example, a search for the word Olympics on Google turns up 432 million - often random - hits with the highest sponsored results listed first. A similar search on Gulliver returns 22 relevant hits on corporate misbehavior. While Gulliver is relatively limited so far, our data is always accurate and relevant, and we expect that we will be able to offer much more such information in the future. Rest assured, our data will never be influenced by ads, corporate or political influence!
Q. What kind of information does Gulliver include? Where do you get it? Is it copyright?
A. Gulliver currently contains about 30 different fields of data for each company. One of our most important sources of data is Violation Tracker, a project of Good Jobs First.
A lot of our information comes from our own archives as well as that of dozens of media sources and progressive organizations around the world. Although we keep a copy of the data on our site to allow full text search, we always forward users to the creators of the material to read the original material on their websites and to ensure that we do not violate copyright.
Our own material is copyleft - always free to use and distribute – please cite CorpWatch and link back to us.
Q. Are your company profiles comprehensive?
A. Our profiles typically offer a snapshot of abuses by any given company. We are always looking to expand and improve our data. Do check out all the sections on each company: Violations, Stories, Activism, Key Financials and Procurement.
Q. I would like to add something to a profile. How do I go about this?
A. Please get in touch. You can contact us here.
Q. I found an error. How can I make sure that it is corrected?
A. Again, please get in touch. You can contact us here. (Also take a look at our corrections policy here).
Q. Is Gulliver free? Will you charge for it in the future?
A. Gulliver is completely free and will always be.