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Lawyers for a group of some 1,200 Nicaraguan banana plantation workers appeared before the Paris Trial Court in an effort to force Dow Chemical, Occidental Chemical and Shell Oil to pay $1 billion in compensation for health problems caused by Nemagon, a pesticide sold by the three companies. Read More
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(una versión en español de este artículo se puede leer aquí) In mid-September Juan Carlos López & María del Carmen Florencio took their four-month-old daughter Valentina to Quirónsalud’s hospital in Málaga, Spain, with a fever. Over the next few days, they returned again and again. Each time, the doctors misdiagnosed her. Read More
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At least 52 workers have died after a fire broke out at the Hashem Foods factory in Narayanganj, some 16 kilometers southeast of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Many of victims were teenagers employed in violation of labor laws, who died because the gates to their workplace were locked. Read More
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Six major investment firms announced that they will not buy shares of Deliveroo – a UK online food delivery company that operates in 12 countries around the world – in a major victory for employee rights activists who have campaigned against the company’s poor working conditions. Read More
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One of the most important votes of 2021 to date won’t elect a president or a member of parliament. Instead some 5,800 Amazon workers in Bessemer, Alabama, have until next Monday to decide if they want to join the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union. Why is this important? Amazon has over 800 warehouses across the U.S. and it employs some 800,000 workers who don’t have the ability to organize collectively for their rights. Read More
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Cisco, a major manufacturer of computer networking hardware and software, has been sued by the California Department of Fair Housing and Employment (DFEH) for discriminating against a former South Asian employee whose family is classified as low caste in India and fostering a ‘malicious, fraudulent, and oppressive’ work culture. Read More
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