An Afternoon with L-3 Communications/Titan

A funny thing happened on the way to exercising my presumed right, as a shareholder, to attend yesterday's annual shareholder meeting
of private military contractor
L-3 Communications, held at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in
Manhattan's financial district.

I was one of a group including a translator, Marwan Mawiri, who worked for

a year and ½ for Titan, now an L-3 subsidiary, in
Iraq. Marwan has witnessed first-hand numerous problems with the way
interrogation and translation contracting is being handled in Iraq - a
practice that may be putting at substantial risk the national security and
lives of the Iraqi people, of U.S. and multinational troops, officials
and contractors, and of the United States itself.

The problem is clear: inadequate and downright bad vetting and hiring practices for analysts, interrogators and linguists. Indeed, the U.S. military has recently cancelled Titan's translation contract due to poor practices along with waste, fraud and abuse.

What is also crystal clear is that the war in Iraq can neither be won,
effectively prosecuted, nor competently withdrawn from until these
problems are solved and until proper oversight is in place.

If people hired to translate in critical battlefield and other situations
are not even fluent in at least Arabic and English; if screeners
monitoring the entry and exit of people to U.S. military bases at times
have no more qualification and training than having been a baggage
screener at a U.S. airline (see CorpWatch's new report [note: updated December 2008] "Outsourcing Intelligence in Iraq":); if
interrogators are not qualified, experienced and trained to the highest
standards possible, how can we ensure that we avoid future travesties due
to bad intelligence? Such as the bad intelligence around the supposed
Iraqi weapons of mass destruction program (which was, of course, Bush/Cheney and neocon-driven, not L-3-driven), that got the U.S. into this war 

in the first place? (And remember, even when U.S. soldiers start coming

home from Iraq, large numbers of private contractors will stay, making proper

oversight all the more crucial.)

It turned out that L-3's management wasn't so happy to see us, and that my co-worker, Pratap Chatterjee and I, were supposed to have received a

certain admission ticket to attend the meeting. The same went for our companions from the Iraq Campaign 2008 - a major coalition to oppose the war, which is now taking on private military contractors as part of their broader campaign on the high cost U.S. taxpayers are paying for the war in Iraq - and Foreign Policy in Focus, who were holding proxies. Funny that.

Looking out at the Statue of Liberty from the hotel lobby downstairs, where we gathered to figure out how to proceed, I pondered the damage this

war has done to the liberties of so many Iraqi people, and to so many

U.S. liberties and values that I hold dear. Like respect for human

rights, compliance with the Geneva Conventions around torture, appropriate

security that is handled with skill and integrity. I wasn't surprised that

L-3/Titan didn't want to hear our message; though I sincerely hope some of the shareholders, managers, directors, staff and  financial analysts do

take the time to read our report and to talk to current and former contractors like Marwan. We didn't go in malice.

We went in genuine concern over business operations that, while they may

be earning a pretty profit for large shareholders, pose a genuine

reputational risk to the company for future liability. And are causing harm on the ground, to real people. We challenge L-3 Communications

to become a truly ethical leader in business

practices, not just in products and sales. Surely the sixth-largest U.S.  defense industry company (according to their website) has the intelligence to recognize bad

practices and the ability to change them for the better.

Or are we simply destined for years more, as Huffington Post blogger

Charlie Cray put it, of companies and investors milking a "Baghdad Bubble

as a result of the Bush administration's refusal to hold them accountable"?

As the meeting ended, and the muckety-mucks began leaving the Ritz-Carlton

to be chauffered away in their Lincoln Town cars and limousines, we gave

these decision makers another opportunity to take a copy of CorpWatch's

report, or even to talk to us directly. The vast majority kept their

blinders on and marched resolutely past.

Suddenly we saw General Carl Vuono

(ret.). Vuono is former chief of staff of the U.S. Army, and long-time president of private military

consulting firm MPRI, which is now

also an L-3 subsidiary. Pratap and Marwan rushed to try and speak  with him, while a reporter and cameraman from Al-Jazeera English filmed and stood at the ready for the general's reply. The general didn't want to

talk, but you can see some of the footage on YouTube. You can also watch Pratap and Marwan describe their experiences on Democracy Now!, where they were interviewed live this morning.

Pratap gave the general a copy of "Outsourcing Intelligence In Iraq" - maybe

he'll decide to have one of his staffers give it a read. We'd love to

talk, and welcome any dialogue with officials of L-3.

AMP Section Name:War & Disaster Profiteering
  • 23 Private Security
  • 24 Intelligence
  • 116 Human Rights
  • 185 Corruption
  • 187 Privatization
  • 208 Regulation
* indicates required